Monday, October 4, 2010

Ministry of Sound website takes down by Anonymous

You may recall that a week ago, we reported on the ACS:Law fracas, when a group called Anonymous struck at the law firm’s website with a denial of service attack.

Upon getting the site back up, admins accidentally exposed archived emails which were downloaded from the company’s server and put up on file-sharing sites. At least 13,000 broadband users details have been revealed in the security breach, and the ICO is currently investigating the matter and deciding whether to finally exercise its relatively new powers to fine up to £500,000 for serious data leaks.

It seems that Anonymous has struck again this week, taking down the Ministry of Sound website last night. This is because the record label is now chasing down alleged file sharers suspected of illegally downloading its copyrighted material.

The label’s solicitor involved in the action, Gallant MacMillan, has also had its site knocked out. Currently both sites still remain unavailable.

In an interview with security firm Panda Labs (pointed out by The Register), Anonymous says it wishes “to fight back against the anti-piracy lobby.” The group describes itself as manifested anarchy, with no leaders or hierarchy, just people “from all walks of life” who will “keep going until we stop being angry.”

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