Thursday, November 11, 2010

India's Largest Hacker’s Community 'IndiShell' is Back Again

India's largest hacker’s community 'Indi Shell' is going to be launch again....

"The mission of INDISHELL is to provide an intellectually stimulating environment where our members can learn, communicate ideas and represent their concerns. We will support the advancement of the internet, technology and freedom. INDISHELL IS GOING TO BE ONLINE AGAIN FROM TODAY NIGHT.....

The mission INDISHELL is providing training by some black hat hackers where members can learn, communicate ideas and represent their concerns. They will support the advancement of the internet, technology and freedom

Signed by -[SiLeNtp0is0n]- , stRaNgEr , inX_rOot , NEO H4cK3R , DarkL00k , G00g!3 W@rr!0r , str1k3r, co0Lt04d , ATUL DWIVEDI , Jackh4xor , Th3 RDX & Lucky

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