By Vaidehi Sachin
Cyber Terror first limited edition is sold out. Now we are printing second edition with latest updates. When I started united Hackers, the hackers themselves accused me of so many unwanted things, but unfortunately they forgot to acknowledge the efforts of my team. My only wish was to bring these hidden faces to lime light and make them heros of my country. I dont know where and how I went wrong, but my intentions were never wrong.

Its unfortunate that inspite of having immence potential hackers are lured in hidden crime and covering their faces, rather hiding their faces in masks..the answer we all only mistake was to uncover those masks and introduce them to their own identity nad existance with dignity..which they thought i am using for my own name and fame, a person refused to recognise his own face, one who disagree coming our in day light can he be really reason for my success?????

Any venture is a team work, personal ego,grudges creats nothing but differences. You can never unite with differences..I have guts to protect you, i am prepared to voice your griff..i am here to lead you..provided if you trust me...else some hand full non deserving hackers will becomes brands of india land up endourcing brands like shoes and panties...I dont doubt their intigrity..but my only question is that..
WHAT IS THERE CONTRIBUTION TO MY NATION AN ITS CYBER SECURITY? they have made hacking as commercial venture...I salute those hackers eyeing on enomies of my country and have courage to give them back in their own way...i salute all those hacker those are not brands but name in themselves...they are my heros...

Finally this venture Unite Hackers wouldnt have been existed without, Amarjit, Rahul tyagi,parul khanna, Rishab, ajay anand, Ajay dhaka, harsh and Mohit..they are the pillors..
This book wouldnt have been so interesting without Aditya my brother, whos inputs created magic and gave depth and readability to such serious subject, and finally aditi and prakash made is wworth reading..Rajendra have shape to it...

I thank all my facebook hacker friends for their direct and indirect contribution towards this book...Today i am here with you.. tomorrow i may not be.. but what will make you stand and strong is your unity...and united you can do much more..
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ReplyDeletei already request for book but stock is not available indian peoples have a lot of interest in hacking for them this book is very special as it all focus on hacking secrets and hackers life styles.this book is very very nice.i will pray to get my copy soon.