The Hacker News Become The Fakers opppss Jokers News

THIS IS A THE WAR IS IN BETWEEN MR.AMARJIT SINGH vs Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK... Heeeyyyyaaaaaaahhhhheeeeeeeee.....LOLZZZ.......
UNIX ROOT is a Metilda Joe from NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK. She is a well established reporter in Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK. She is managing her blog from Queens Barclays Central Park Office (IP 188.211.XXX.XXX). Currentely she on secret mission & the mission is to catch and expose all blackhat & underground hackers. To catch them she has also launched a blog (BUT that Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK OFFICIALS ARE NOT AWARE ABOUT THIS...)

THIS IS A THE WAR IS IN BETWEEN MR.AMARJIT SINGH vs Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK... Heeeyyyyaaaaaaahhhhheeeeeeeee.....LOLZZZ.......
UNIX ROOT is a Metilda Joe from NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK. She is a well established reporter in Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK. She is managing her blog from Queens Barclays Central Park Office (IP 188.211.XXX.XXX). Currentely she on secret mission & the mission is to catch and expose all blackhat & underground hackers. To catch them she has also launched a blog (BUT that Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK OFFICIALS ARE NOT AWARE ABOUT THIS...)
Whenever anyone visit that blog, they trace the location of that person. Once they get enough information, they will make a be-aware all on the target by this NEWS NETWORK reporter. I am very happy to see that those SO CALLED NEWS NETWORK reporters messing with me....he he he he he he heeee.. thinking I am one of the biggest blackhat or underground hacker lolz....but they don't know the fact that I am a N0000000bbbbbb......and also not underground. NOW THE WAR IS IN BETWEEN MR.AMARJIT SINGH vs Well Established NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK...
Well I personally invetigate this and found that Metilda Joe is really from NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK. Pls NOTE that those NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK OFFICIALS ARE NOT AWARE ABOUT all the methods using by her to expose hackers. NATIONAL NEWS NETWORK OFFICIALS are also not aware about the blog launched by her.
Yesterday so many people were accusing me for doing yello journalism, I want to show them the sample of my journalism now....Come and comment now
This is not speed breaker this is is a leg breaker
As far as Jyestha Arya is concern, I am dead sure that she will not waste her caliber on such stupid blogs, I challange the blogger to show a single post so far written by Jyestha Arya. She is my sister and 100% under my control. Before posting any thing on any blog or anywhere on Facebook, my sister is under my vigilance. About cat techie, the posts so fat i read were copy pasted from her blog. when she has her own news network with 200 employees and 20 blogs incuding which is of her brother Amarjit Singh, i don't thing she need to post any news to this kind of cheap blogs and here i dnt want to commnt on cat techie without talking to her but i cleared my doubt. As per as injector is concern all its ADMIN's themselves are confudsed and want to knw when has they given contribution to the stupid blog leaving their own reputed websites.
The only solution to this is until and unless this fake blog goes off line I am continusly my crusade against them.
As you rightly said the 18 days old blog could 100% successful in fooling the readers & hackers. Stop non sense or be prepared to face further.

www.freehacking.netHacker5 is India First Hackers Magazine! Cyber Terror Book, Fight Cyber Terror, Unite The Hackers of India, Learn Ethical Hacking, Unite Indian Hackers, .
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