By Vaidehi Sachin
I've been using Facebook for less than a year. It's been mainly used as a communication tool with friends and family and acquaintances. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch and see what everyone else is doing. Photos and videos can be uploaded and shared for everyone to see. There are privacy settings that users can control, but it's still possible for a security breach. While a new era of technological fascination and social networking is upon us, the debate rages on amongst all those who have utilized the service(s) of either Facebook or MySpace, or, perhaps, BOTH. Even though charts and graphs depict the increasing popularity of Facebook's service(s), Face book captivating the hearts and minds of a massive, influential population. For me earlier it was just a space to understand the people related to the subject I was working on. Then this space became my community, my family out of family. Believe it or not when you are on face book surrounded by your friends you are out of tensions, you forget yourself for a while.
Recently I finished writing first volume of cyber terror; this is in addition to the same books second volume. You will be amazed to read this edition I have added my chapters where you can see the real faces of some hackers perhaps who might have dreamt of. I have added chapters on Khantastic HaXor( over rated but bad hacker), Cyber swati ( little deliv), SHAK, Haroon (ruled once), and many more such good bad and ugly hackers of India as well as Pakistan and Globelly. You will definitely love to read my date with Kevin, a guru of social engineering. WE have done intense research over many hidden faces which you may not even know.
Now when I think of Cyber War, Cyber terrorism I laugh at myself, the illusionary world and false assumptions which i was living with has flopped me over night. I was forced to change my thought process and went rear to reality. The cyber war which you experience in day to day life with all these kid hackers defacing pages is nothing but child’s play, these so called exploits, shell uploading, harming sites, web hacking, binding virus, ohhhhhhhh! It’s just nothing. A dumb ass like me who possess an average intellect can also learn this internet game in no time. Cyber war has began in internal level, where the hackers are ruling your embassies, your security systems, they are eyeing on your moves, your thoughts, your national planning, and arms defense and ammunitions, NASA, they are there where you never thought of. it something like this
They know the moves, promotions, changes in departments everything working in embassies. Core networks what the target is what hacking, and that is the beginning of CYBER WAR.
The hacking which you do focusing on website , it’s not hacking my dear friends it is just destroying some ones source of earning. You are playing your wasted games at the cost of an innocent citizen’s site. Let it be Indian, or Pakistani or of any other country.
Recently when I heard vishal thappar of GEO TV anchor saying on national television... about Pakistani collabaration with Chinese hackers ...omg I felt like rolling down, I am sure even pak hackers must have seen this standup comedy. Irony is that we media take all authority in hand and make such foolishstatements as if we know the world.
My dear readers I am talking about the conflicts not talking about technology and hacking, its outdated subject. It’s not who’s against who, it’s just why against why? Every government of the world has some agenda and they are working on it. ..Period. Like USA, Israel, India Pakistan china Russia everyone is doing their bit to be the rule writer that’s it. Each government is assigning these jobs to hackers, again Hackers not website defacers and facebook and msn ones.
Want to know more read CYBER TERROR……………
I've been using Facebook for less than a year. It's been mainly used as a communication tool with friends and family and acquaintances. Facebook is a good way to keep in touch and see what everyone else is doing. Photos and videos can be uploaded and shared for everyone to see. There are privacy settings that users can control, but it's still possible for a security breach. While a new era of technological fascination and social networking is upon us, the debate rages on amongst all those who have utilized the service(s) of either Facebook or MySpace, or, perhaps, BOTH. Even though charts and graphs depict the increasing popularity of Facebook's service(s), Face book captivating the hearts and minds of a massive, influential population. For me earlier it was just a space to understand the people related to the subject I was working on. Then this space became my community, my family out of family. Believe it or not when you are on face book surrounded by your friends you are out of tensions, you forget yourself for a while.
Recently I finished writing first volume of cyber terror; this is in addition to the same books second volume. You will be amazed to read this edition I have added my chapters where you can see the real faces of some hackers perhaps who might have dreamt of. I have added chapters on Khantastic HaXor( over rated but bad hacker), Cyber swati ( little deliv), SHAK, Haroon (ruled once), and many more such good bad and ugly hackers of India as well as Pakistan and Globelly. You will definitely love to read my date with Kevin, a guru of social engineering. WE have done intense research over many hidden faces which you may not even know.
Now when I think of Cyber War, Cyber terrorism I laugh at myself, the illusionary world and false assumptions which i was living with has flopped me over night. I was forced to change my thought process and went rear to reality. The cyber war which you experience in day to day life with all these kid hackers defacing pages is nothing but child’s play, these so called exploits, shell uploading, harming sites, web hacking, binding virus, ohhhhhhhh! It’s just nothing. A dumb ass like me who possess an average intellect can also learn this internet game in no time. Cyber war has began in internal level, where the hackers are ruling your embassies, your security systems, they are eyeing on your moves, your thoughts, your national planning, and arms defense and ammunitions, NASA, they are there where you never thought of. it something like this
CONFIDENTIAL MOS T IMMEDIATE No.140 16/10/2010- UTS.II Ministry of Home Affairs Governme nt of India **** North Block, New Delhi- 110001 Dated the 24th **, **** To 1. Secretary (Services), Gove rnment of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Secretariat, I.P.Estate, New Delhi. 2. Chief Secretary, Andam an & Nicobar Islands Admn, Port Blair.
The hacking which you do focusing on website , it’s not hacking my dear friends it is just destroying some ones source of earning. You are playing your wasted games at the cost of an innocent citizen’s site. Let it be Indian, or Pakistani or of any other country.
http://www.defe nce.pk/forums/wo rld- affairs/24153- chinese- hack- into- indian- embassies- steal- dalai- lamas- documents.html (this is one of the examples of hacking)
Recently when I heard vishal thappar of GEO TV anchor saying on national television... about Pakistani collabaration with Chinese hackers ...omg I felt like rolling down, I am sure even pak hackers must have seen this standup comedy. Irony is that we media take all authority in hand and make such foolishstatements as if we know the world.
My dear readers I am talking about the conflicts not talking about technology and hacking, its outdated subject. It’s not who’s against who, it’s just why against why? Every government of the world has some agenda and they are working on it. ..Period. Like USA, Israel, India Pakistan china Russia everyone is doing their bit to be the rule writer that’s it. Each government is assigning these jobs to hackers, again Hackers not website defacers and facebook and msn ones.
Want to know more read CYBER TERROR……………
In next post which is part of this book read my first love on Face book, my close friend creating fake ID the dog techie for wrong reasons, people playing with my emotions, how and why one misunderstood? So much about my facebook family, my first defacement…using facebook wright from hell ..and so much part by part here itself..........
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