Monday, December 13, 2010

Inj3ct0r Clone of Milw0rm written by Amarjit Singh & Jyastha Arya

Inj3ct0r clone of Milw0rm written by Amarjit Singh & Jyastha Arya

Read about the Inj3ct0rs, THE MAFIA OF CYBER WORLD. Stunning story about the trading, perversion, porn and the hacktivist on the cyber space coming soon. For launching date keep you eye here on this blog

" is dead, is born!"

Ask any well known IT industry person & hardely 1 out of 100 aware about this site. The openion of that one person is exctly the same I am writing here. Almost every one consider Inj3ct0r as a EVIL site. As per industry standards if you are distributing exploits, you should be well known in the industry and being trusted. How such guys with hidden identity handeling the task of distributing exploits.

The funniest part is when I asked about these UG guys from people working in IT industry, most of the time their answer was NO.....HOW CAN WE TRUST ON THEM? Very few who say yes were INJ3CT0R themselves or their SO CALLED AGENTS. Many times these agents used for spying.

The site is trading in new 0-day exploits that are used for high profile International attacks by various criminal & terrorist organizations. Most of the time exploits available on this site could be modified by adding back doors to compromise the user system so that it can be used as BOTNET when required.

Also read this FAKE NEWS I found on internet: Str0ke @ Milworm's Funeral is This Friday

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